Want even more savings when you shop at the ReStore? Join our ReStore Rewards loyalty program! Earn 1 point for every $1 spent. Every 150 points is a $5 off reward. Rack up points to get $5, $10, $15, $20, and even up to $25 off your ReStore purchases! Our ReStore Rewards members are also the first to know about sales, promotions, and special Double Loyalty point days.
How do I earn points?
- Sign up for our rewards program here or at checkout at any of our store locations. When you make a purchase in-store or online, sign in to your loyalty account with your phone number or email to earn points.
How do I redeem my rewards?
- You can redeem your rewards in-store or online. Sign into your loyalty account when you check out in-store or online with your phone number or email. Please note, that loyalty rewards cannot be redeemed when you use a coupon code for an online purchase.
What are the rewards point tiers?
- 150 points is $5 off reward
- 300 points is $10 off reward
- 450 points is $15 off reward
- 600 points is $20 off reward
- 750 points is $25 off reward
Do my points expire?
- Loyalty points expire after 6 months. You can receive text and email notifications reminding you of when points are about to expire or when you are a nearing a reward.
Can I use my rewards on any purchase?
- You can use your rewards on any online purchase. Restrictions apply to in-store purchases. You can not use your rewards on any purchases of white-ticketed items in-store.
How do I check my points or available rewards?
- You can check your current point total or any available rewards by signing into your account here. You can also check with your phone number or email at checkout in-store or online.
Thank you for supporting Habitat for Humanity through the ReStore! The funds generated from the ReStores support Habitat for Humanity Portland Region’s homebuilding and home repair programs. Every purchase is making a difference in our community.