The ReStore to assemble new team of outreach specialists

We’d like to put your know-how to work! The ReStore is recruiting business-savvy people who share our passion for Habitat and our passion for reuse.  This new team of volunteers will be tasked with building and expanding the ReStore’s current business partner donor base.

“We’ve named this group our Volunteer Outreach Ambassadors,” said Mark Haley, business relations director for the Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro ReStores. “The team will have regularly scheduled strategy meetings, planned regional coverage, work in coordination with our three affiliates’ development staff, employ specific business demographic target plans, and cultivate and expand our current business donor partnerships. The results of these efforts could exponentially grow the income of our three ReStores, open new partnership doors for your affiliate programming, and heighten the community awareness of Habitat activities in our service areas and beyond.”

The time commitment is minimal–typically about eight hours a month including those bi-monthly team strategy meetings.

If you’re comfortable with public speaking, skilled at making connections and anxious to take on a new challenge, please contact Will Liebo at or simply CLICK HERE to access the volunteer registration form. 



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